
El Greco

Old Master Paintings

El Greco

Old Master Paintings

Author(s) Curator of the exhibition Leticia Ruiz Gómez; essays Joaquin Bérchez, Maria Cruz de Carlos Varona, Judit Geskó, Adriána Latnos, Palma Martínez-Burgos García, José Manuel Matilla, Macarena Moralejo Ortega, Éva Nyerges, Leticia Ruiz Gómez
Year of publication 2022
Language English
Number of pages 345
ID ISBN 978-615-5987-90-8

Exhibition catalogue

This is the first large-scale monographic exhibition on Domenikos Theotokopoulos, better known as El Greco in Hungary, and settles a long overdue debt owed by the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest for its exceptional collection of spanish painting boasts Europe’s largest holdings of works by El Greco outside Spain. These works form the core of the present show

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