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Phone number: +36 30 221 7565




Edina Deme

Head of department, museum educator

Edina Deme pursued her studies in Hungary and the United States. She regularly conducts museum tours, gives lectures on art history, trains guides, develops special museum workshops for all age groups and persons with disabilities, and organises tactile exhibitions for the blind. She has published articles on Hungarian history and education, and has been writing and editing museum publications in Hungarian and English.

Krisztina Mácsay

Dep. head of department, museum educator

A twinkling pair of eyes, a hand swung high into the air, a nod in agreement, or even a doubtful shake of the head – my goal is to elicit some kind of reaction in those who trustingly turn to me during their museum visit.

Szilvia Zaray

Museum educator

Szilvia Zaray has several years of experience in museum education and teaching, and even more in intercultural communication and project management. She is passionate about designing interactive, experience-based educational programs for both native and international groups.

Ágnes Mertus

Museum educator

If we know too little of something, we might easily consider it boring, as we don’t understand or know how to approach it. In presenting the artwork to visitors, I seek to open up secret doors and passage ways, in hopes that this will rouse their curiosity enough to want to continue along the path on their own afterward.

Judit Cser

Museum educator

I have the opportunity to render the art of many hundreds of years personally accessible and lovable in an infinitely inspiring milieu. To me, the museum is a space of science and a playground all in one.

Eszter Marina

Museum educator