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Relief from a Tomb

Lelőhely Saqqara (?), Egypt
Készítés ideje 25th–22nd centuries B.C. (2435–2118)
Tárgytípus architecture
Anyag, technika Limestone, painted

15.2 x 9.7 cm

Leltári szám 51.265
Gyűjtemény Egyptian Art
Kiállítva Museum of Fine Arts, Basement Floor, Ancient Egypt, Daily life

The fragment presents a man with reddish-brown face and body wearing a shoulder-length wig. Following the Egyptian relief work, the artist put aside the perspectival representation and depicted the face in profile while the eye was painted frontally. Similarly, the shoulders and the torso are also represented in a frontal position. The eyebrow and the contour of the eye were highly emphasized since the Egyptians usually made up their eyes in daily life in order to protect themselves from strong solar sunlight and against eye diseases. A short beard can be observed on the chin indicating the noble origin of the owner.


Pennanen, Tapani – Suominen, Tapio (eds.), Muinainen Egypti – hetki ikuisuudesta/Ancient Egypt – A Moment of Eternity, Tampereen taidemuseon julkaisuja/Publications of the Tampere Art Museum 51, Tampereen Taidemuseo, Tampere, 1993, p. 147., 124.

Nagy, István, Vezető az Egyiptomi Kiállításhoz, A Szépművészeti Múzeum gyűjteményei/The collections of the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest 2, Szépművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 1999, p. 20-21., 8.

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