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Tympanum with relief depicting the Death, the Burial and the Coronation of the Virgin German Sculptor J. Rotermund cég (cast maker)


German Sculptor

J. Rotermund cég (cast maker) Nürnberg

Készítés ideje ca. 1320 (original), 1909 (cast)
Tárgytípus plaster cast
Anyag, technika plaster cast

179 × 244 × 33 cm

Leltári szám Rg.28
Gyűjtemény Sculptures - Plaster casts
Kiállítva National Museum Conservation and Storage Centre, Visible Storage

The west portal of the north façade of Saint Sebaldus Church in Nuremberg is decorated with a tympanum relief made around 1320. The source of the scenes from the Virgin’s life was the Legenda Aurea, compiled by Jacobus de Voragine in the second half of the thirteenth century. On the left side of the relief at the bottom appear the Dormition of the Virgin, with Christ in the circle of apostles gathered around her bed and receiving her soul, in miniature form. Depicted on the right side is the burial of the Virgin, while the pointed arch field at the top features the enthroned Virgin in heaven, with her Son placing a crown on her head, expressing her apotheosis.
Commissioned by the museum in 1909, cast by the Jacob Rotermund Company in Nuremberg. It was exhibited in the Romanesque Hall in 1910.

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