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Statue Of Apollon Atelier des moulages au Palais du Louvre (cast maker)


Atelier des moulages au Palais du Louvre (cast maker) Párizs, működik a 18. századtól napjainkig

Készítés helye Párizs, Atelier des moulages au Palais du Louvre
Készítés ideje early 20th century (plaster cast), around 125-100 BC (original)
Tárgytípus plaster cast
Anyag, technika plaster

115 x 36 x 33 cm

Leltári szám Ag.360
Gyűjtemény Classical Antiquites - Plaster casts
Kiállítva Star Fortress (Komárom), The Archaic Period of Greek Sculpture (650–480 BC): Kore and Kouros Figures, Gallery II

This plaster cast is the copy of one of the few large, intact bronze statues to survive from antiquity. It represents Apollon, whose outstretched hands may once have held his characteristic objects, a bow and a patera. According to the inscription engraved on the left foot, the statue was given to Athena as a votive offering. It was created by sculptors from Rhodes; perhaps it stood in the cultic centre of the island, the sanctuary of Athena in Lindos. The statue nicely illustrates how Hellenistic sculptors elaborated on the subject of the Archaic kouros. Apollon steps forward with his left foot, but the hands are not held close to the body as on the kouros figures.


Hekler, Antal, Az antik gipszgyűjtemény I-II., Budapest, 1919-1920, 1923, no. no. 45.

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