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Marsyas Hung On A Tree August Gerber (cast maker)


August Gerber (cast maker) Köln

Készítés ideje early 20th century (plaster cast), Mid-2nd century AD, after a statue from the 3rd century BC (original)
Tárgytípus plaster cast
Anyag, technika plaster

112 x 37 x 38 cm

Leltári szám Ag.281
Gyűjtemény Classical Antiquites - Plaster casts
Kiállítva Star Fortress (Komárom), Apollon and Marsyas, Gallery VI

This figure from the statue group depicting the myth represents Marsyas, the satyr in the moment of suffering his punishment. The old, but markedly muscular figure with voluminous hair is hung on a tree by his wrists. His naked body is strained, he presses his chin against his chest, slightly to the right. His bowed head and gaze suggest that he knows exactly what torture is awaiting him. The Scythian slave, who is already whetting his knife, is to flay him alive and make a wineskin of his hide.


Hekler, Antal, Az antik gipszgyűjtemény I-II., Budapest, 1919-1920, 1923, no. no. 361.

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