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Copy of the tomb of János Lázói Italian Master (copy)


Italian Master (copy)

Date ca. 1523 (original), ca. 1900 (copy)
Object type plaster cast
Medium, technique plaster

219 × 89.5 × 15 cm, 90 kg

Inventory number C.116.III.1985
Collection Old Hungarian Collection
On view Hungarian National Gallery Building D, Ground Floor, Renaissance Stone Carvings, Lapidarium

Johannes Lazo was born in 1448, and in 1483 he became chaplain in Gyulafehérvár (now Alba Iulia in Romania), later a canon and then also archdeacon of Telegd. He visited Egypt and Jerusalem as a pilgrim. He commissioned the building of the northern chapel of the Cathedral of Gyulafehérvár, built in 1512, in Renaissance style, and called the Lázói Chapel. He settled in 1517 in Rome and died in 1523 during the plague. His tomb is housed in the Roman church Santo Stefano Rotondo. The copy of his tomb was made on the occasion of the 1896 Millennium Exhibition in Budapest, from where the plaster cast was transferred to the Museum of Fine Arts. In 1985 the copy was transferred to the Hungarian National Gallery.

This record is subject to revision due to ongoing research.

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