
Zsuzsanna Dobos

chief curator
Italian Painting, 1580–1800


Email: zsuzsa.dobos(at)mfab(dot)hu

Research interests

  • 17–18th century Bolognese, Roman, Lombard, and Venetian painting
  • 17–18th century still life and trompe l’œil painting


Art and Hunting – Selected Artworks from the Collections of the Museum of Fine Arts and the Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest, Museum of Hungarian Agriculture, 2021–2022 (curator)

 European Art 1250–1600, European Art 1600–1700, European Art 1700–1800, Baroque Hall, new permanent exhibitions of the Old Masters Gallery, 2018–2022 (curator)

 Caravaggio to Canaletto: The Glory of Italian Baroque and Rococo Painting, Szépművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 20 October 2013 – 16 February 2014 (curator).

Select publications


“A Newly Identified Trompe L’œil by Prospero Mallerini,” Bulletin du Musée Hongrois des Beaux-Arts 123 (2018): 21322.

“Alcuni contributi all’opera di Francesco Perezzoli (1661–1722),” Bulletin du Musée des Beaux-Arts 122 (2017): 24351.

“Giuseppe Vermiglio’s Penitent Magdalen, Bulletin du Musée des Beaux-Arts 118 (2013): 173–78.

“A New Trompe L’oeil by Carlo Leopoldo Sferini called Carlo Tedesco (1652–1698),” Bulletin du Musée des Beaux-Arts 11213 (2010): 11124, 26169.

“New Additions to the Art and Research of Girolamo Troppa,” Bulletin du Musée des Beaux-Arts 106–7 (2007): 115–30, 263–72.

“A Lost Painting Found by Francesco Rosa Romano,” in Opuscula amicorum Susanne Urbach dedicata Acta Historiae Artium XLIV, nos. 1–4 (2003): 285–90.

“Two Hitherto Unknown Paintings by Flaminio Torri, Bulletin du Musée des Beaux-Arts 95 (2001), 115–128, 221–28.

“The Activity of Luca Antonio Colomba in Hungary,” Arte Lombarda 121, no. 3 (1997): 78–90.

Catalogue entries

Cat. no. 22, 26, 27, 28, 29, and 32. In Obras maestras del Renacimiento al Romanticismo: Colección del Museo de Bellas Artes – Galería Nacional de Hungría. Exhibition catalogue.  Buenos Aires, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, 2018.

Cat. no. III.2. In The Living Dead: Ecclesiastes through Art, edited by Corinna Ricasoli. Exhibition catalogue. Washington D. C., The Museum of the Bible, 2017–2018.

Cat. no. 34, 42, 43, 45, 46, 47, and 49. In Obras maestras de Budapest del Renacimiento a las Vanguardias, edited by Guillermo Solana and Mar Borobia. Exhibition catalogue. Madrid, Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, 2017.

Cat. no. 136–139, 140–143, 144–145. In Da Raffaello a Schiele: Capolavori dal Museo di Belle Arti de Budapest, edited by Stefano Zuffi. Exhibition catalogue. Milan, Palazzo Reale, 2015–2016

Cat. no. 64. In Németalföldtől Rómáig: Válogatás a Zichy-gyűjtemény legszebb festményeiből és szobraiból [From the Low Countries to Rome: A selection of the finest paintings and sculptures from the Zichy collection], edited by Balázs Bányai, Annamária Gosztola, and Elenonóra Kovács. Exhibition catalogue. Székesfehérvár, Csók István Gallery, 2014.

Cat. no. 84, 103, and 121. In Caravaggio to Canaletto: The Glory of Italian Baroque and Rococo Paintingi, edited by Zsuzsanna Dobos, Dóra Sallay and Ágota Varga. Exhibition catalogue. Budapest, Szépművészeti Múzeum, 2013–2014.

Cat. no. 13 and 29. In Raffaello verso Picasso: Storie di sguardi, volti e figure, edited by  Marco Goldin.  Exhibition catalogue. Vicenza, Basilica Palladiana, 2012–2013.

Cat. no. 12 and 15. In La Naissance du musée: Les Esterházy, princes collectionneurs,  edited by Orsolya Radványi. Exhibition catalogue. Paris: Pinacothèque de Paris, 2011.

Cat. no. 11, 36, 40, 50, 51, 79, and 81–82. In Da Raffaello a Goya: Ritratti dal Museo di Belle Arti di Budapest, edited by Daniela Magnetti, Vittorio Sgarbi, and Vilmos Tátrai. Exhibition catalogue. Torino, Palazzo Bricherasio, 2004–2005.

Cat. no. 34 and 35. In Jankovich Miklós (1772–1846) gyűjteményei [The collections of Miklós Jankovich (1772–1846)], edited by Árpád Mikó. Exhibition catalogue. Budapest, Magyar Nemzeti Galéria, 2002–2003.

Cat. no. A 7, A 8, A 9–11, A 47, A 48, A 49, and A 64–65. In Mons Sacer, 996–1996: Pannonhalma 1000 éve [Mons Sacer, 996–1996: A thousands years in Pannonhalma], edited by Imre Takács. Exhibition catalogue. Pannonhalma, Pannonhalma Abbey, 1996.

Cat. no. 19, 20–21, 32, 37, 38–39, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46–47, 48, 49, 59, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70–71, 72, 73, 76, 79, 83, 101, 104, 105, and 112. In “Te évszázadok kegyence”: A festők és Velence  [“You favourite of centuries”: The painters and Venice], edited by István Barkóczi. Exhibition catalogue. Budapest, Szépművészeti Múzeum, 1996.

Cat. no. 2, 3, 15, 16, 22, 27, 28, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37., 50, 52, 53, and 54. In Treasures of Venice, edited by George  Keyes, István Barkóczi, and Jane Satkowski. Exhibition catalogue. Atlanta, High Museum of Art, Seattle Art Museum, and The Minneapolis Institute of Arts, 1995–1996.

Cat. no 84. In Baroque Art in Central Europe: Crossroads, edited by Miklós Mojzer.  Exhibition catalogue. Budapest, Budapesti Történeti Múzeum, 1993.

Cat. no.. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 11, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20, 21, and 24. In Itinerario Veneto: Dipinti e disegni del ’600 e ’700 veneziano del Museo di Belle Arti di Budapest, edited by Mauro Natale. Exhibition catalogue. Milan, Finarte, 1990.

Book chapters

“Collection of Old Master Paintings”, in Orsolya Radványi ed., Museum Guide. Old Collections of the Museum of Fine Arts Budapest, Budapest: Museum of Fine Arts, 2021, 15–17.

“European Cities and Landscapes in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries”, in Treasures from Budapest. European and Hungarian Masterpieces from the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest and the Hungarian National Gallery, exhibition catalogue, The National Art Center, Tokyo, 2019–2020, 270.

Books and periodicals edited

 Bulletin du Musée Hongrois des Beaux-Arts (Editor, 2000–2016, Editor-in-Chief 2016–present).

Dobos, Zsuzsanna, Dóra Sallay, and Ágota Varga, eds. Caravaggio to Canaletto: The Glory of Italian Baroque and Rococo Painting. Exhibition catalogue (Budapest, Szépművészeti Múzeum 2013, 25 October 2013–16 February 2014), Budapest, 2013.

Zsuzsanna Dobos, ed. Ex fumo lucem. Baroque studies in Honour of Klára Garas, Presented on her Eightieth Birthday, 2 vols., Budapest, 1999.

Online publications

Introduction (with Adrienn Prágai) and cat. nos. 55, 83, 84, in Art and Hunting – Selected Artworks from the Collections of the Museum of Fine Arts and the Hungarian National Gallery, ed. Orsolya Radványi, exhibition catalogue, Budapest, Museum of Hungarian Agriculture, 2021–2022, Budapest 2021, 9–12, 164–165, 216–219.

List and online availability of publications:



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