
Julia Katona

Júlia Katona is an art historian, researcher, and curator. Currently, she is working as the Secretary of Research at the Museum of Applied Arts, Budapest. In parallel, she is Head of the Schola Graphidis Art Collection in Budapest. Her fields of interest span across (1) research: ornamental art, pattern books, plaster cast collections, history of nineteenth–twentieth-century architecture, history of art education, and (2) museum studies: museum informatics, integrated collection management systems, digitisation, process management.


The Possibilities of 3D Technology in the Restoration Process of the Esterházy Treasury

Júlia Katona, PhD
art historian, curator
Secretary of Research
Museum of Applied Arts, Budapest

In 2021, the Metalwork Collection of the Museum of Applied Arts (Budapest) launched a research project called Tradition and Innovation in the Restoration Process of Esterházy Treasury. A Methodological Experiment Applying Digital Technology to Make the Extremely Damaged and Partially Destroyed Treasury Pieces Belonging to the Museum of Applied Arts Available for Display.

The lecture presents this ongoing project, complementing some earlier examples and results. Project participants: restorers, curators, the collection manager of the Metalwork Collection, the Ceramics and Glass Collection, and the IT expert specialised in digital technologies.

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