
Raquel Sáez

Short biography of Raquel Sáez

Raquel Sáez is an outstanding art conservator and restorer with a solid academic background and extensive professional experience. She holds a degree in Fine Arts and a PhD in Painting from the Complutense University of Madrid (U.C.M), a Masters degree in Conservation of Works of Art and the title of Supervisor of Radioactive Installations from CIEMAT. Founder of ARThink, she combines her expertise in conservation with the promotion of creativity in companies. She has worked at the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum and Canal Isabel II, participating in innovative and educational projects.

Beyond The Frame
Innovative approaches to the conservation and sustainable diagnosis of art

Raquel Sáez 1*
1 Museum Conservation and Storage Centre/ Art Consultant for Preventive Conservation
* E-mail:

Beyond the Frame is a presentation that seeks to mobilise awareness of the importance of preserving artistic heritage. As a conservator and restorer, I have worked to restore the right conditions that allow works to fulfil their function of transmitting a transcendental legacy. This experience has reinforced my conviction about the need to disseminate the creative value of human beings to society, focusing on making the business world understand the importance of heritage preservation for its economic and cultural development.

Conservation and restoration work must not only be visible, but must also generate an engaged audience, touch consciences and cry out for behavioural and financial support. It is evident that the educational sphere has failed to inculcate adequate arts education. In the information age, contemplative pleasures and productive tasks, essential to the scientific and artistic fields, are undervalued. This, together with growing geopolitical conflicts and aggressions on heritage by certain environmentalist ideologies, reveals a significant educational gap in heritage preservation awareness.

It is urgent to establish didactic methodologies that enable citizens to tune in as active, responsible and committed subjects. As cultural institutions, we must deepen a system of dissemination for educational centers and public spaces from which we can raise public awareness. I will present innovative approaches to the conservation and sustainable diagnosis of art, providing ideas that represent a holistic approach, combining advanced techniques with active community participation to ensure effective preservation and increased public awareness of the importance of cultural heritage.

My aim is to demonstrate how these practices can be effectively implemented to ensure that artistic heritage is not only preserved, but also appreciated and valued by present and future generations.

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