
About Us


Engage museum visitors

Does art need explaining? Meaning in art accrues around personal reflections. But if you are also interested in the context in which art is made and received, the guides and educators’ explanations often lead to more nuanced interpretations and a deeper appreciation for the arts.

#tours #brochures #handson #museumbathing #digitalinstallations #gamification


Grab the attention of younger generations

Is it ever too early to start art education? We think the sooner the better! The museum is a world of wonders – its many colors, lines, shapes and stories are very inspiring for children. Let’s encourage them to be open and curious so that they can discover a world of imagination, exploration and creativity.

#kids #familyday #holidaysatthemuseum #summercamp #familyadventurekit #drawingcompetition


Bring art closer to pupils and students

Why should schools visit museums? Art collections are our cultural heritage – we all should value, enjoy and preserve them! We want our young audience to get excited about art, history and much more. Through a framework of interactions and play, an interest in art and culture will naturally grow.

#interaction #boardgames #educationalresources


Spark and nurture curiosity in adults

How does a lifelong learner learn? Lifelong learners nurture a curious mind about the world around them for as long as they live. Many of them are art lovers who enjoy going on guided tours and taking workshops in the museum. They are the ones who immerse themselves in game-like challenges, too. Who says play is just for kids?

#tours #workshops #teambuilding #mumlook


Write about art engagingly

How to ‘write engagingly’? Museum educators write as if they are talking to their audience. They translate the scholarly language into language an average museum goer can comprehend. Our educational publications include exhibition, family and audio guides, as well as popular art history books and book series based on our own collections.

#booklets #bookseries #textbook


Appear on media platforms

Why is media presence important? Educating people about art and exhibitions starts well before the actual museum visit. Visibility and relatability are key to successful communication. We are quoted in the press, appear on social media platforms, as well as on TV and radio shows. Watch out for our video or film clips and other forms of audio and visual content!

#videos #shorts #documentaries


Value professional networking

How to build connections? Reach out, meet up and cooperate! Interacting with other professionals always widens one’s horizon. Sharing a sense of collaboration, teamwork and collegiality is a form of social interaction that feels great. We love visiting colleagues within and outside the country, and welcoming others with open arms. EU projects of common interest are embraced.

#euprojects #conferences


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