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Statue Of A Youth (Kouros): The Kritios Kouros

Készítés ideje early 20th century (plaster cast), around 480 BC (original)
Tárgytípus plaster cast
Anyag, technika plaster

136 x 35 x 30 cm

Leltári szám Ag.367
Gyűjtemény Classical Antiquites - Plaster casts
Kiállítva Star Fortress (Komárom), The Archaic Period of Greek Sculpture (650–480 BC): Kore and Kouros Figures, Gallery II

The statue of the youth is separated from Archaic period kouros figures by a significant innovation: the weight of the body is not distributed evenly between the two legs. The boy rests chiefly on the left leg, which completely changes his posture. The hip is not horizontal, and the shoulders turn in the opposite direction. The antagonistic movements derive from one another, resulting in a balanced posture. The head does not look straight ahead anymore, but is turned slightly to the side; the archaic smile is gone. The statue is one of the earliest representatives of sculpture in the early Classical period, the so-called Severe style. It may have been created by Kritios, one of the greatest sculptors of the time.


Süvegh, Eszter, Katalógus. Kiemelt művek a Szépművészeti Múzeum antik, középkori és reneszánsz gipszmásolat-gyűjteményéből,: In: Szőcs M. (szerk.): Egy gyűjtemény újjászületése: a Szépművészeti Múzeum gipsz szobormásolatai a megújult komáromi Csillagerődben., Budapest, no. 2 b.

Hekler, Antal, Az antik gipszgyűjtemény I-II., Budapest, 1919-1920, 1923, no. no. 48.

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