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Head Of A Dying Giant Giuseppe Lelli (cast maker)


Giuseppe Lelli (cast maker) Firenze

Készítés helye Florence, Giuseppe Lelli
Készítés ideje early 20th century (plaster cast), 1st century BC (original)
Tárgytípus plaster cast
Anyag, technika plaster

89 x 54 x 39 cm

Leltári szám Ag.263
Gyűjtemény Classical Antiquites - Plaster casts
Kiállítva Star Fortress (Komárom), The Influence of the Classical Antiquity on the Renaissance Sculpture, Gallery XVII

This head is the fragment of a statue depicting a young giant. Based on its violent movement, it probably belonged to a sculptural group representing the gigantomachia, the battle of gods and giants. The upward gaze suggests that the giant has already fallen. The hair is combed back at the forehead, one of the motifs that led to the identification of the head as a portrait of the legendary Macedonian king, Alexander III (Alexander the Great, 336—323 BC) in the Renaissance period. At that time, there was a desire to recognise the great personalities of antiquity in art, but nothing supports this identification.


Hekler, Antal, Az antik gipszgyűjtemény I-II., Budapest, 1919-1920, 1923, no. no. 364.

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