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The Spring of Léri in Chassagne Gustave Courbet


Gustave Courbet Ornans, 1819 – La Tour-de-Peilz, 1877

Kultúra French
Készítés ideje 1863
Tárgytípus painting
Anyag, technika oil on canvas

65.5 x 81 cm (25 13/16 x 31 7/8 in.)

Leltári szám 458.B
Gyűjtemény Department of Art after 1800
Kiállítva Hungarian National Gallery Building D, First Floor, From Courbet to Baselitz. Collection of International Art after 1800

The 1850s was a period of great realist paintings for Gustave Courbet: his compositions, formulated with a strong political content and reflecting on social issues created noisy scandals. In the next decade Courbet somewhat withdrew from social themes and the landscape gained more importance in his art.
For several decades, this landscape was considered to have been executed near Fouras on the French Atlantic coast. With the help of the musée Courbet, it recently became clear that the work was made near Ornans, the small town in Eastern France were the painter was born. The spring of Léri situated in the village of Chassagne has been left nearly untouched, and it is easy to recognise the pools and the rocky background even on recent photographs. Comparing the painting with its original setting, we can observe how Courbet slightly rearranged the landscape into clear, simple volumes, rendering the summer vegetation, the figures, and the effects of light and shadow with his bold palette knife technique.

Anna Zsófia Kovács


Genthon, István, Modern francia festmények: Szépművészeti Múzeum Budapest, Remekművek magyarországi gyűjteményekből/Meisterwerke aus ungarischen Sammlungen/Art treasures in Hungarian collections/Chefs d’oeuvre dans les collections hongroises, Corvina, Budapest, 1972, p. 15.

Illyés, Mária, Verő, Mária (ed.), XIX. századi francia művek, A Szépművészeti Múzeum gyűjteményei/The Collections of the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest 4, Szépművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 2001, p. 64-65.

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